People Wise Solutions Beaconsfield

HR Advisory Service

Our Advisory service is designed specifically to support our customers when their business isn’t running as smoothly as they would like.

On Demand

The people in an organisation can make or break your success. Most of the time everything runs smoothly but on the odd occasions it doesn’t, we’re here to help. Our Advisory service is designed specifically for these eventualities. Some examples of what we can help with:

Terminations And Redundancies

Managing exits if needed, including potentially contentious terminations & redundancies


Handling maternity leave and return to work

Flexible Working Requests

Resolving flexible working requests


Managing contract changes that are needed to support your business

Sickness & Performance

Advising on sickness and performance issues that are impacting productivity


Productive mediation where personal conflicts are having a detrimental effect at work

Disciplinary & Grievance

Professional investigation of disciplinary and grievance matters

Restructure And Business Transfers

Supporting with consultations for restructures or business transfers (TUPE)

Arrange A Free Consultation

If you would like to arrange a call back then please pop your details into the contact form on this page and we will come back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can also call us directly on
0330 0435 115